Installation of sports field fence nets can be divided into two parts, on-site installation and factory installation.
On-site installation: Firstly, divide the site into areas, determine the supporting points according to the view, height and security, then connect the supporting points and install the fence net according to the design drawings. After the installation is completed, check the connection of the fence net to ensure the connection is reliable, finally, paint the surface to make sure the appearance of the site is beautiful and durable.
Factory installation: Firstly, according to the design drawings, cut and weld the fence net in the factory according to the specified size, to ensure the firmness of the weld. Secondly, the surface should be painted to ensure the beauty of the fence net. Lastly, the fence net completed in the factory should be installed on site, and the connection of the fence net should be checked to ensure the reliability.
In addition, in the installation process, in order to ensure the safety of the site, the safety operation procedures should be followed, the firmness of the fence net should be checked, and the guardrails should be installed to prevent accidents.
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